Friday, April 27, 2007


Ever since accidentally stumbling upon Philip Pullmans series, "His Dark Materials", I have read and reread the books at least every year. I was astonished to find them finally making a movie, and I'm glad that we, as such an intelligent and advanced society, can make the Svalbard bears realistic. (Go, Iorek Byrnison!)

On Banna's blog, she posted a link to the movie page and I went there and even though it took a half hour to download on my pitiful dialup, it was well worth the wait. Introducing Pelloneus, my daemon. Pelloneus is an outward expression of my inner soul. But there are 12 days before he becomes fixed in his animal shape. Check out the link below to see if you agree with what I think my own personality is. In twelve days, I'll reveal his final form.

Check it out for yourself! (Also a fun activity for Voyager lovers who always wanted an animal guide like Chakotay's. Janna, you lucked out!)

Sunday, April 22, 2007


I freak out nearly every day. Because it rains here. It never rained in Brooks. Brooks may have stunk to high heaven with the oh-so-delectable cow manure, but it never rained. But it rains here. All day. Every day.

We are actually situated on a bit of a hill (maybe Janna's size!), so we don't have to worry about basement flooding. However, Bryan and I had a very interesting drive on Antelope Road today on our way to church.

I slowed down for the bumps. And then, stretching across the entire width of the road was a mud puddle. Never thinking that it could possibly be three feet deep, we motored in and got almost mired! I'm not even exagerating (yes, I have lamentably exagerated before), but the water was so deep it ran into the grille at the front of the hood, splashing on the hot motor and steam came out.

A little shaken, we intrepid explorers continued. Family, do you remember the marsh? The road was gone, and in its place was a shallow rill of water continually flowing. It was so astonishing that I am going to attempt to take a picture of it (coming from the other direction, of course).

In other news, Kaylee has been adopted. Cub was 'pet of the week' last week at the Humane Society and they're confident she'll be adopted soon. Meanwhile, Anne is basking in the love and attention of two humans who are used to loving four dogs.

Not much else is going on, except my continuing fight to withdraw from the Paxil. Thanks to Jada (I kiss your feet! Your incredibly long-toed feet!) the symptoms aren't nearly as bad as they were last time. I'm soldiering on, and taking it rather easy.

Check back soon for that picture. I wonder if Rick Mercer still has a 'worst pothole' contest?

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Quiz Time!

Just for fun, I thought I'd put together a little quiz about the Andrews in Saskatchewan. Comment with your answers. Winner gets a two-prise! (Yes, I will mail it.)
1. What is the name of the Indian Nation we live on?
2. We have only one dog now. What is her name?
3. Who is our premier?
4. If we could live anywhere in Saskatchewan, where would we live? (Hint, you've all driven through it.)
5. Where do we attend church services?
6. What was the name of the school Bryan taught at before this one?
7. What's the name of one of the roads leading to our house on the reserve?
8. Bryan was the assistant coach of what sport this year?
9. I'm writing for a newspaper. Which one?
10. Where did we get the name for our little black puppy who sadly had to go away?

That's it! Have fun!
(Zero fun, sir.)

Saturday, April 14, 2007


Well, we've been without the little girls for a few days now. The house is so quiet. It's so calm. I think I'm going to go nuts! I must admit, I've been able to accomplish a lot without them getting underfoot. I've actually finished unpacking the library and now that room is my cozy writing nest.

Bryan goes back to school on Monday. The politics have been getting really touchy so we all hope things will be normal at the school. I'm also looking forward to having more sub days. In the meantime, my tutor is helping me create the pitch for my article series: Extreme Makeover, Saskatchewan Edition. I'm quite excited as it will probably be my main source of funds to go to PEI with my sissies.

We've both become ebay junkies. I'm finding beads so cheap that a lot of the ladies at the school want to buy them from me when my shipments come in. They use hundreds of thousands of beads when they are creating their traditional pow-wow clothes.

My niece, Amy, turned eight this past week. We are looking forward to her baptism in Calgary. We haven't been to Calgary for a long time. Bryan may also be the one to baptize her, as Tara's husband isn't a member of the Church.

Mom and Dad Andrews have sold their house in Gibbons (right outside of Edmonton) for a very tidy sum. Unfortunately they only have until April 30 to vacate. They don't even know where they will be going, so they are putting all their stuff in storage and taking a trip in the RV. We will miss them; they seem set on going to either BC or Ontario. The good thing? They gave us dozens of their old movies, most in VHS. We are steadily increasing our number of videos. Whenever someone says we have a lot of movies I just shake my head and tell them that my younger sister has more.

It's finally warming up. There is still a fair amount of snow on the ground but there's been a lot of wind so the place isn't as mucky as it could be. The first nice day I'm dying to get out and wash and wax the car (a task I have always enjoyed).

Well, I think that's it as far as tidbits go. Smell you later! (As Nelson Muntz would say...)

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

A hard decision...

After thought and prayer Bryan and I have given up our two indian puppies. My health was taking the back burner as I tried to keep up with two peeing puppies. This became apparent after my most recent hospital stay.

So we made a hard decision. We would give up both Kaylee and Cub for adoption. Since Paks has been adopted by mom and dad Andrews this leaves us with an only child (dog), Annie. Kaylee and Cub have been dropped off at the North Battleford Humane Society. The workers assured us that they would both be adopted soon, as puppies are very popular to adopt.

I miss my girls. Both Bryan and I have done our share of crying today. But this is the right decision. Our human family must come first and we can only start it if I can become well.

So, those of you who pray, please speak to Heavenly Father with us, asking Him to grant our girls with a safe and happy home where they will be loved and cherished as we loved them.

Here's a link to the Humane Society webpage. Check it to see pics of our girls and hopefully they will be adopted soon!

Monday, April 2, 2007

Our Anniversary Celebration

Bryan and I have now been married five years. It's almost incomprehensible. The time goes by way too quickly. We've now been in Saskatchewan for almost four school years. Weird.
Well, I got to go to a swanky restaurant on Friday. Without Bryan. He didn't pass the test. There were a lot of people waiting to be seated, but I got in with no problems. Before I knew it I had a nice waitress show me to my private dining room with the most comfortable chairs imaginable. She took my order and soon my oh-so-special meal of jello and ginger ale came.
It's nicer to think that I was at a restaurant than where I actually was. I got to spend Friday night at the Turtleford Hospital, being treated for an incredible bout of GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). I had two lumps form in my esophagus, one right behind my mouth (making it near impossible to eat anything worth eating) and the other at the base of the esophagus.
I will be seeing an upper GI specialist soon. Some patients with GERD develop Barrett's esophagus. And a small portion of people with Barrett's esophagus develop esophageal cancer. Which made me a bit wary of my lumps.
Jon and Heather have kindly agreed to come a little early this weekend to help me get the house in order. I still can't eat anything thicker than porridge and I don't have much energy. So, thanks to them, we'll have a clean house to celebrate Easter in!