Tuesday, September 4, 2007

All out of witticisms

I know I should really update my blog, but there doesn't seem to be much to say. So I'll just babble a bit and see what happens. We are back from our monster summer vacation and I have spent the time since redoing my library, deep cleaning the house, watching Buffy, and counting down the days until school is back in session. There was a teacher who found another job on the reserve and left an opening in Grade Five. For a while there it looked like I was going to have an opportunity to teach it, but they did hire somebody for the position. Which I am grateful for at this moment. The new teacher came late, I got to sub this morning's classes and the grade five class, well, let's just say I'm not gung-ho on teaching them permanently. Besides, I've got a book to write.
I am planning on writing two books this year... we don't need me to find another job so I'm going to see if I can buckle down and see if I can really make it as a writer. I'm quite excited about starting... I was supposed to start today until I got called in to sub.
We are having a refugee stay with us for the winter. Maki, my sister's dog, will be living with us for the winter months until Joc can find a place where she can keep a pet. We don't mind. We're actually quite excited. Maki is cool. And she should get along with the neighbour's dog, Barkley. At least we hope so.
I've been a reading maniac all summer and am currently reading Stephen King's latest, Lisey's Story. It's good, but a little surreal, even for him. My all time Stephen King fave is still 'The Dead Zone', but he has so many others I enjoy: The Stand, The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, and Desperation, to list a few. I think I want to start reading Orson Scott Card - I can't believe I've never read him before, and Heather tells me he is pretty darn good.
I'm also trying to get in the groove of being a really good Relief Society President; thank goodness I have two counselors now to help me out. The only problem is we all live more than an hour away from each other, making coming together for meetings a little troublesome. But it's worth it - I just wish I had an electric car to cut down on the gas bill.
Otherwise, things are pretty much the same around here. I'll try to blog a little more often in the future. (Maybe that can be another resolution!)