Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Well, it's been nearly a millenia since I last posted. I hope the last thousand years have treated everyone all right. I've been sick, but I've been working hard at getting better. In fact, I have been staying with mom and dad in Edmonton for a few weeks while receiving some 'alternative' therapies: yoga, personal fitness training, massage therapy, meditation, and nutrition. It has been an interesting process and I'm slowly starting to feel better once again. I'll be returning home to the reserve this weekend. Wahoo!

And after all that time, this is all I'm going to say? Apparently.

Peace out.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

All out of witticisms

I know I should really update my blog, but there doesn't seem to be much to say. So I'll just babble a bit and see what happens. We are back from our monster summer vacation and I have spent the time since redoing my library, deep cleaning the house, watching Buffy, and counting down the days until school is back in session. There was a teacher who found another job on the reserve and left an opening in Grade Five. For a while there it looked like I was going to have an opportunity to teach it, but they did hire somebody for the position. Which I am grateful for at this moment. The new teacher came late, I got to sub this morning's classes and the grade five class, well, let's just say I'm not gung-ho on teaching them permanently. Besides, I've got a book to write.
I am planning on writing two books this year... we don't need me to find another job so I'm going to see if I can buckle down and see if I can really make it as a writer. I'm quite excited about starting... I was supposed to start today until I got called in to sub.
We are having a refugee stay with us for the winter. Maki, my sister's dog, will be living with us for the winter months until Joc can find a place where she can keep a pet. We don't mind. We're actually quite excited. Maki is cool. And she should get along with the neighbour's dog, Barkley. At least we hope so.
I've been a reading maniac all summer and am currently reading Stephen King's latest, Lisey's Story. It's good, but a little surreal, even for him. My all time Stephen King fave is still 'The Dead Zone', but he has so many others I enjoy: The Stand, The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, and Desperation, to list a few. I think I want to start reading Orson Scott Card - I can't believe I've never read him before, and Heather tells me he is pretty darn good.
I'm also trying to get in the groove of being a really good Relief Society President; thank goodness I have two counselors now to help me out. The only problem is we all live more than an hour away from each other, making coming together for meetings a little troublesome. But it's worth it - I just wish I had an electric car to cut down on the gas bill.
Otherwise, things are pretty much the same around here. I'll try to blog a little more often in the future. (Maybe that can be another resolution!)

Monday, August 13, 2007

The Ultimate Library

Whew! We're home! While it was wonderful being with family and friends in the dry, brown, scorched lands of southern Alberta, it is so nice to be home. Our house survived our month-long exile and I am so glad it was clean when we left. It's nice coming home to a clean house.

My major project for today was rebuilding my bookshelves. I'm kind of a book hound and I bought about thirty more books while I was in Alberta (mostly at second-hand stores). So out came the power drill and the mitre saw as I rebuilt the shelves to accomodate more books.

It looks fabulous.

So, for my ever-loving family members and friends, I would like you to now guess how many books Bryan and I have in our collection. I'm quite proud of it. I've got a lot of reading to do. Instead of just yelling out numbers, here is a multiple choice question to help out:

1. Bryan and Jen have how many books in their personal library?
A. between 100 and 250
B. between 250 and 500
C. between 500 and 750
D. between 750 and 1000
E. over 1000
Winner gets a book.

By the way, Dan Brown rocks. (Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons.) If you've never read him, go do so. What a thrill ride.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Antics at the hill family dinner table...

So Jayden is throwing his spoon on the floor. Grandma is too lazy (her words, not mine) to pick it up. So he gets another spoon. Which ends up on the floor. And then he gets a fork. At the time of this writing, it perhaps is another casualty of Jayden's dinnertime menace.

And Jaala was sitting next to Banna and had 5 bowls of meat and cheese for her taco salad. (little kid-size bowls, but 5 helpings none the less). I told them it wasn't my fault (I am feeding them, you know.)

And mom (my mom) made deviled eggs. "Why are they called deviled eggs?" I wondered aloud (to the rapt attention of my food-snarfing family).

"Maybe it's because they take the yellow spark of life, (the yolk)," I continued, waving my hands, "and combine it with unholy sauces! And add to it itsy carrots and bits of green onion! And the whole thing is too delicious to be anything but devil food!"

At which point Banna said, "Put that in your blog."

ps. if Justin and Jada are reading this, we are having zero fun, sir. I hope you are doing the same.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

this, that, and the other thing

I am one weird cookie.

On June 30, we went to Lloydminster with a couple of boys from the school as their end-of-year incentive-for-being-good trip. We had a good time, played mini golf (I actually beat them all!), played paintball (which is surprisingly painful), ate at Tony Roma's (mmm....prime rib....), and bought another season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Unfortunately, they didn't have season five, so I had to jump right in to season six.

Which I finished in two days. I am such a loser.

So now that I have no more new Buffy, I started on Season one again and worked on my beading project. I caught up to Bryan (he's in season two), and then I decided I should start obsessing about something else.

I went to town (yes, that means Turtleford) and discovered that the library was having a book sale. Dangerous words. I think I bought about thirty books. But since they were only a dime each, I didn't spend all that much. In my creative writing course I have just finished the section on writing for children (so I also borrowed a dozen children's books), and the next section is on writing romance (so I got a few of those, too...) The past few days I have spent in a reading frenzy. First, I finished Monkey Beach. Then I read the 'Da Vinci Code' (finished it in a day, what a superb read!). Then I read Harry Potter 4. Finished it last night (only took me a day). And today, I read 'A Knight in Shining Armor' by Jude Deveraux, my favourite romance. Yeah, I finished it today. Of course, I also read children's books, which take about a half hour to read.

Maybe tomorrow I'll find something else to obsess about. Now, if only I could get obsessive about cleaning.... or working out....

(If you want my thoughts on the various books, surf to Jen Maki Reads!)
(it's over there, on the right...)
(no, your right, not my right...)
(ah, jeepers, here it is http://jenmakireads.blogspot.com/)

Only five more sleeps until vacation!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

The blogging craze continues!

As part of my most wondrous creative writing course (http://www.winghill.com), I have created a new blog devoted only to book reviews of books I am reading or have recently read. This is more a heads-up to family and friends... I don't expect you to jump over there too often unless I bully you.
Here it is, and I'm also putting it in my links area:
Only twelve more sleeps until vacation time!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The good, the bad, and the utterly fabulous!

It may come as a surprise to some of you to know that Bryan and I have just received some pretty important callings in the church. I am the Battleford Branch Relief Society President, and he is the Elders Quorum President. Besides us feeling totally inadequate and utterly child-less, we are excited about the opportunity to serve.
I admit that lately I've been feeling a little trapped here on the reserve. Most times I really enjoy the peace and solitude, but I'm trying to complete a writing course here and the Turtleford Library, when it's even open, which is rare, has fewer books than my personal library! Okay, that's an exaggeration, but I'm really missing civilization. I want to see movies, eat Japanese food, and go to the Library on a Saturday. Is that asking for too much?
At least when we're out in the boonies, we get to see some pretty cool things. We attended church in Meadow Lake last Sunday (it's about an hour and twenty minutes away), because we have a bunch of members who meet there instead of driving the several hours to Battleford. The highway takes us through Meadow Lake Provincial Forest. It was gorgeous. And there, right in the ditch by the tree line we saw a black bear. Too cool! I almost sound like those hicks who've never seen a bear before, but it was really neat.
Only twenty sleeps until our vacation starts!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Our Vacation Itinerary

Hi gang!

Due to the many requests about where we will be and when, here is the itinerary of our summer vacation as it currently stands:
Monday, July 16 - we head to Calgary (we may stop in Edmonton)
Tuesday, July 17 - we're in Calgary, and hopefully watching HP & The Order of the Phoenix
Wednesday, July 18 - Tara and Bryan fly out to Chicago and we start housesitting
Thursday, July 19 - we're in Calgary
Friday, July 20 - we're in Calgary and going to a HP party for Book 7
Saturday, July 21 - we're in Calgary and reading the book all day long
Sunday, July 22 - Jen's going to Brooks for church and to hang out with Tracey
Monday, July 23 - we're in Calgary
Tuesday, July 24 - we're in Calgary
Wednesday, July 25 - we're in Calgary (and hopefully I'll have gone to Devon with Corinne)
Thursday, July 26 - Tara and Bryan fly home
Friday, July 27 - off to Lethbridge!
Saturday, July 28 - Justin and Jada fly out to California
Sunday, July 29 - we're babysitting in Lethbridge
Monday, July 30 - we're still in Lethbridge (hopefully going to Libbert's at some time)
Tuesday, July 31 - we're still in Lethbridge, but maybe off to the zoo with the kids
Wednesday, Aug 1 - we're in Lethbridge
Thursday, Aug 2 - we're in Lethbridge
Friday, Aug 3 - we're in Lethbridge (maybe a day trip to waterton with the aunties)
Saturday, Aug 4 - we're in Lethbridge
Sunday, Aug 5 - Justin and Jada fly home
Monday, Aug 6 - we're camping in Waterton (most likely by ourselves)
Tuesday, Aug 7 - we're in Waterton
Wednesday, Aug 8 - we're preparing for our trip to PEI
Thursday, Aug 9 - Mom, Banna, Boss and I fly to Charlottetown, PEI, and Bryan stays in Calgary
Friday, Aug 10 - we're in PEI (Bryan in Calgary)
Saturday, Aug 11 - we're in PEI (Bryan is still in Calgary)
Sunday, Aug 12 - we're still in PEI (guess where Bryan is?)
Monday, Aug 13 - we're in PEI
Tuesday, Aug 14 - last day in PEI
Wednesday, Aug 15 - we fly home to Calgary
Thursday, Aug 16 - Bryan and I drive home (with no money but lots of memories!)

Remember, all locations and dates are set, but individual activities within those days are subject to change. We'll keep you posted!

Friday, June 15, 2007

More strays to adopt!

I love this place. There have been a few more strays coming around the house that I really wanted to adopt. Bryan said I couldn't. How mean. Look at the picture, aren't they cute?

I guess I can't bathe them and deworm them and find them a home. Oh, well.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

What it means to be a Hill

What are the essential Hill qualities? When we speak of the 'strength of the hills' to what do we refer? Here are my top ten... uh... whatevers on what it means to be a hill.
And yes, I'm still a Hill.
10. Hill = eating at Japanese Village, ordering Shirley Temples, laughing at the chef, and watching Jon drum with his chopsticks.
9. Hill = horror movies. Either watching them and loving them, or not watching them and hating them, or watching them with your glasses off so they really aren't scary anymore!
8. Hill = Two-prises. The gift that is given for no special reason, and is a Hill original.
7. Hill = getting cards from Rick and Val. Every birthday and anniversary. How do they do it?
6. Hill = giving each other weird nicknames. I know mom is tired of Mrs. Bates. Jon has been EE forever. I particularly like Justin's new one: the Spaghetti Princess. Janna has been Banna for a long time but has found a new home as Bacon. I think Boss is the best. Because there are just so many: Boss, BooBoo, Boobers, Gooby, Goobers, Booby, you know....
5. Hill = Waterton. It's our special place, a little bit of heaven on earth, our personal battery recharging area.
4. Hill = playing games. Like dad said a long time ago, a family that plays together, stays together. Even though it's the inserts to the family who rule the games, like Jada who has been in the Rage box TWICE! (What's up with that?)
3. Hill = memorable phrases. Though we all come up with them, it seems like Mom and Heather who give us the ones we remember the longest: She's got a long crack (Heather), I want a barky dog (Mom), These buns are too bunny (Heather), The wunner who wun the wace (Mom).
2. Hill = owning movies. Usually way too many movies. Movies that you start buying just to say you own it and to have an impressive bookcase when people come to visit.
1. Hill = obsessing. Janna takes the cake for this one. Her latest obsession: either Ben (Lost) or Battlestar Gallactica. We all have our obsessive tendencies, though. Just a part of being a Hill.

Speaking of which, my newest obsession is Buffy. Blame it on Bryan. Because it was Bryan's sister, Tara, who introduced me to Buffy. I always knew Buffy existed (somewhere out in on Space channel), but Tara showed me the musical episode. Which was hilarious. So she showed me another episode. Which I loved. So she lent me the first two seasons.
Which I ripped through in about a week. I've only got two discs left! So, yes, for the next little while for me, it's all about Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It's just so cute!

Tune in next week for the next obsession.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Harriet's Magic Hats

Does anyone else remember this TV show? This girl, Harriet, would put on a hat and then get magically transported to the place the hat is used. She went to dairy farms, factories, stores, it was really cool.

Now, I've had a lot of different jobs in my life. Some have been super fun, starting with Oasis Theatre, and culminating with Weyburn This Week and the Calgary Zoo. Others have been super poopy, notably beef packing, working with bees (I got stung under my fingernail once. Yes, under!), and, well, that's it.

Ash will understand how hilarious this new job is. And no, it's not really a new job, because I'm not getting paid. I'm tutoring students at Bryan's high school. And Ash, get this, I'm tutoring Physics and Chem 30. Yeah, thirty. You know, those subjects that were tested on us lab rats and we almost failed? Actually, I didn't even take Physics 30. I hated Physics 20 and stopped there. So how on earth am I suddenly a tutor for subjects I hate?

I dunno. World is full of mystery.

And I don't even get to wear a hat.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Oh Glorious Movie Theater!

It will shock you to know that the last movie Bryan and I watched together was Flyboys at Thanksgiving in Edmonton. Yes, thanksgiving. I did watch Saw 3 with Jon later on, and Bryan saw Spiderman 3 a little while ago, but yesterday we finally made it back to the theater for SHREK THE THIRD.

I loved it. I thought it was hilarious. Didn't have much plot, but didn't need it. When Pinnochio was trying not to tell Charming where Shrek was... oh, yeah. Very funny!

We should really try to get out more often.

(It was a total girl-power movie, go Snow White!)

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Photography Prices

After mom's most beseeching request, I decided I would post the picture prices here on my blog so everyone in the family can access them. The proofs are on their way to mom and dad's, and here is the information that Shelly Bloom gave me:

Price list:
2x3 wallet size $4.00
2x3 in thank you card $4.50
4x5 in folder $9.00
5x7 folder included $15.00
8x8 folder included $20.00
8x10 folder included $25.00
10x10 folder included $30.00
11x14 sprayed & drymounted $70.00
16x20 sprayed & drymounted $100.00
20x24 sprayed & drymounted $180.00
24x30 sprayed & drymounted $250.00
30x40 sprayed & drymounted $350.00
Photo greeting cards 12 to 49 $3.00 per card, 50 or more $2.00 per card.

On enlargements 8x10 and up, photos may be put on canvas rather than regular photographic paper. Canvas prints have retouching, mounting, stretching, and texturing included in the price. The cost is double our regular rate.

When ordering, please specify if any special cropping, centering, or retouching is desired and we will do our best to accomodate you. Most retouching is included in our basic price but extensive retouching may be subject to an additional charge. Because your proof comes in a square 5x5 format, you must indicate if horizontal or vertical prints are needed.

The proof number is on the back of the photo. Mom and dad will help you find the right number. Phone Bloom's personally to place your order; their number is 306-845-4257. If you don't want to pay for shipping, just let Bloom's know and Bryan or I will pick up the picture and deliver it the next time we are in Edmonton. Lethbridge folks can pick them up from there.

The pics look great! Enjoy picking the best ones for your family!

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Answers to Quiz Time!

Thank you for all your entries. I think I have to pull a 'slang teasers' kind of winner. It's Heather, for having the most interesting answers. Cuz everyone else got the same ones. Ready for the rundown?
1. We live on Thunderchild First Nation. Everyone got that right.
2. Annie is our only puppy. Everyone got that right, too.
3. Lorne Calvert is our premier. But Heather's right, it should be Captain Spock. I dare say he'd fix the emigration crisis, "Beam them back, Scotty!"
4. Contrary to popular belief, Bryan and I would choose to live in Paradise Hill. It's a little town in a valley between Lloydminster and St. Wahlberg. Although Rouleau is fun, it's just too darn flat down there in southern Saskatchewan.
5. We attend services in Battleford, but North Battleford is fine.
6. Bryan taught at Radville Regional High School. Everyone got that except for Heather. Space Academy. We wish.
7. The names of the two roads leading to our house, according to us, are Antelope Road and Deep Road. You all got those right. We have recently heard that the other popular name for the road is "Hollywood Road" because of the "Welcome to Thunderchild" sign. No one seems to know what the real name is.
8. Yes, Bryan was the assistant basketball coach.
9. I am a correspondent for the North Battleford News Optimist. But your answers were all pretty cool: Otherville Daily Gazette, Turtleford Tattler, Sasky Press, Saskatchewan Gazette, Turtleford Paper, and Vulcan Times. (Just guess who wrote the last one!)
10. Yes, we got Kaylee's name from the short-lived though much-loved TV series Firefly. I'm actually not sure if her new family kept her name. We can all hope so.

Thanks for participating!

Friday, April 27, 2007


Ever since accidentally stumbling upon Philip Pullmans series, "His Dark Materials", I have read and reread the books at least every year. I was astonished to find them finally making a movie, and I'm glad that we, as such an intelligent and advanced society, can make the Svalbard bears realistic. (Go, Iorek Byrnison!)

On Banna's blog, she posted a link to the movie page and I went there and even though it took a half hour to download on my pitiful dialup, it was well worth the wait. Introducing Pelloneus, my daemon. Pelloneus is an outward expression of my inner soul. But there are 12 days before he becomes fixed in his animal shape. Check out the link below to see if you agree with what I think my own personality is. In twelve days, I'll reveal his final form.


Check it out for yourself! (Also a fun activity for Voyager lovers who always wanted an animal guide like Chakotay's. Janna, you lucked out!)

Sunday, April 22, 2007


I freak out nearly every day. Because it rains here. It never rained in Brooks. Brooks may have stunk to high heaven with the oh-so-delectable cow manure, but it never rained. But it rains here. All day. Every day.

We are actually situated on a bit of a hill (maybe Janna's size!), so we don't have to worry about basement flooding. However, Bryan and I had a very interesting drive on Antelope Road today on our way to church.

I slowed down for the bumps. And then, stretching across the entire width of the road was a mud puddle. Never thinking that it could possibly be three feet deep, we motored in and got almost mired! I'm not even exagerating (yes, I have lamentably exagerated before), but the water was so deep it ran into the grille at the front of the hood, splashing on the hot motor and steam came out.

A little shaken, we intrepid explorers continued. Family, do you remember the marsh? The road was gone, and in its place was a shallow rill of water continually flowing. It was so astonishing that I am going to attempt to take a picture of it (coming from the other direction, of course).

In other news, Kaylee has been adopted. Cub was 'pet of the week' last week at the Humane Society and they're confident she'll be adopted soon. Meanwhile, Anne is basking in the love and attention of two humans who are used to loving four dogs.

Not much else is going on, except my continuing fight to withdraw from the Paxil. Thanks to Jada (I kiss your feet! Your incredibly long-toed feet!) the symptoms aren't nearly as bad as they were last time. I'm soldiering on, and taking it rather easy.

Check back soon for that picture. I wonder if Rick Mercer still has a 'worst pothole' contest?

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Quiz Time!

Just for fun, I thought I'd put together a little quiz about the Andrews in Saskatchewan. Comment with your answers. Winner gets a two-prise! (Yes, I will mail it.)
1. What is the name of the Indian Nation we live on?
2. We have only one dog now. What is her name?
3. Who is our premier?
4. If we could live anywhere in Saskatchewan, where would we live? (Hint, you've all driven through it.)
5. Where do we attend church services?
6. What was the name of the school Bryan taught at before this one?
7. What's the name of one of the roads leading to our house on the reserve?
8. Bryan was the assistant coach of what sport this year?
9. I'm writing for a newspaper. Which one?
10. Where did we get the name for our little black puppy who sadly had to go away?

That's it! Have fun!
(Zero fun, sir.)

Saturday, April 14, 2007


Well, we've been without the little girls for a few days now. The house is so quiet. It's so calm. I think I'm going to go nuts! I must admit, I've been able to accomplish a lot without them getting underfoot. I've actually finished unpacking the library and now that room is my cozy writing nest.

Bryan goes back to school on Monday. The politics have been getting really touchy so we all hope things will be normal at the school. I'm also looking forward to having more sub days. In the meantime, my tutor is helping me create the pitch for my article series: Extreme Makeover, Saskatchewan Edition. I'm quite excited as it will probably be my main source of funds to go to PEI with my sissies.

We've both become ebay junkies. I'm finding beads so cheap that a lot of the ladies at the school want to buy them from me when my shipments come in. They use hundreds of thousands of beads when they are creating their traditional pow-wow clothes.

My niece, Amy, turned eight this past week. We are looking forward to her baptism in Calgary. We haven't been to Calgary for a long time. Bryan may also be the one to baptize her, as Tara's husband isn't a member of the Church.

Mom and Dad Andrews have sold their house in Gibbons (right outside of Edmonton) for a very tidy sum. Unfortunately they only have until April 30 to vacate. They don't even know where they will be going, so they are putting all their stuff in storage and taking a trip in the RV. We will miss them; they seem set on going to either BC or Ontario. The good thing? They gave us dozens of their old movies, most in VHS. We are steadily increasing our number of videos. Whenever someone says we have a lot of movies I just shake my head and tell them that my younger sister has more.

It's finally warming up. There is still a fair amount of snow on the ground but there's been a lot of wind so the place isn't as mucky as it could be. The first nice day I'm dying to get out and wash and wax the car (a task I have always enjoyed).

Well, I think that's it as far as tidbits go. Smell you later! (As Nelson Muntz would say...)

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

A hard decision...

After thought and prayer Bryan and I have given up our two indian puppies. My health was taking the back burner as I tried to keep up with two peeing puppies. This became apparent after my most recent hospital stay.

So we made a hard decision. We would give up both Kaylee and Cub for adoption. Since Paks has been adopted by mom and dad Andrews this leaves us with an only child (dog), Annie. Kaylee and Cub have been dropped off at the North Battleford Humane Society. The workers assured us that they would both be adopted soon, as puppies are very popular to adopt.

I miss my girls. Both Bryan and I have done our share of crying today. But this is the right decision. Our human family must come first and we can only start it if I can become well.

So, those of you who pray, please speak to Heavenly Father with us, asking Him to grant our girls with a safe and happy home where they will be loved and cherished as we loved them.

Here's a link to the Humane Society webpage. Check it to see pics of our girls and hopefully they will be adopted soon!


Monday, April 2, 2007

Our Anniversary Celebration

Bryan and I have now been married five years. It's almost incomprehensible. The time goes by way too quickly. We've now been in Saskatchewan for almost four school years. Weird.
Well, I got to go to a swanky restaurant on Friday. Without Bryan. He didn't pass the test. There were a lot of people waiting to be seated, but I got in with no problems. Before I knew it I had a nice waitress show me to my private dining room with the most comfortable chairs imaginable. She took my order and soon my oh-so-special meal of jello and ginger ale came.
It's nicer to think that I was at a restaurant than where I actually was. I got to spend Friday night at the Turtleford Hospital, being treated for an incredible bout of GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). I had two lumps form in my esophagus, one right behind my mouth (making it near impossible to eat anything worth eating) and the other at the base of the esophagus.
I will be seeing an upper GI specialist soon. Some patients with GERD develop Barrett's esophagus. And a small portion of people with Barrett's esophagus develop esophageal cancer. Which made me a bit wary of my lumps.
Jon and Heather have kindly agreed to come a little early this weekend to help me get the house in order. I still can't eat anything thicker than porridge and I don't have much energy. So, thanks to them, we'll have a clean house to celebrate Easter in!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Cub's Bad Day

One of the reasons I find it hard to blog is due to our dialup internet. It's like being back in the dark ages. Blogger takes a long time to load on dialup so I sometimes get impatient and just leave before dazzling you all with my posts.
But this story will tug at your heartstrings because every time I think of it, I feel bad for my little Cub.
Cub is the white puffy puppy dropped on our doorstep in January. She got mange, infected us with it, and then got better. Now she is vibrant, healthy and devastatingly adorable - we keep telling ourselves we have to get rid of her before we become attached. (I think it's a little late for that.)
I was subbing for grade ones on Monday (humiliating story, that. I probably won't share it here.) On Tuesday I subbed for Grade Three, my favourite class. Bryan and I have made a habit of closing all the bedroom doors before we leave for school, to cut down on the mess.
It was about 4:30 on Thursday afternoon when we finally got home from school. We could hear something wrong inside the house. Cub was howling and howling, making Kaylee and Annie bark louder and louder. We opened the door and Anne and Kaylee ran out, but there was no sign of Cub. We could still hear her crying and crying and crying.
So we checked to see if she jumped the board that keeps them from getting into the basement. Nope, she wasn't there. We opened the door to the computer room, she wasn't there. Finally, Bryan opened the bathroom door and there she was.
She had been locked in the tiny bathroom in the dark for the entire day.
In the dark.
She tore the place apart. We quickly got her outside and she cowered by my legs, trembling and crying. She'd take a couple steps, then rush back to my legs.
Just the thought of my precious little puppy confined forever in a dark bathroom, no light, no water, no food, it broke my heart. Remember that dogs have no sense of time. The day probably truly felt like forever to her.
You see, we try to fix our puppies' abandonment issues. This is not the way. She has been super-clingy ever since, making it even harder for us to give her up.
But we're going to!
Any day now!
But don't be surprised if you guys all get to meet her at Eastertime...

Monday, March 12, 2007

Farewell to Paks

Our brown puppy Paks has been relocated. As fun as it is to have up to five dogs in the house at once things have been getting hectic. I'm writing articles for the North Battleford News Optimist, and I am now subbing on a pretty regular basis (last Friday, today and tomorrow). There was never any doubt in our minds that it would have to be Paks. Anne is fused to Bryan with super-super glue, and Kaylee stresses out when I stay in the bathroom longer than sixty seconds (she has some abandonment issues).
So Paks was given to Dad and Mom Andrews, to be a companion for their dog Ianthe. She is settling in nicely and the dynamic in our household has certainly changed! Anne is a lot more playful now because of it.
I'm really glad Paks is staying in the family - I do miss her.
Today and tomorrow I'm "Mrs. Jimmy, the grade three teacher". I have enjoyed myself tremendously and I think my kids are fabulous. In fact, I have been having so much fun I am very tempted to go back to University for an Education degree. Near impossible right now with our budget the way it is, but we'll see. At least I get to sub.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Important Family Survey

For many years we have used Joc's term to describe a gift being given for no special reason. It is a word that has become famous not only in our family, but to our friends and coworkers. I believe it is high time that we decide, once and for all, how to spell it.
So every single member of the family should vote, with the majority winning: which spelling is correct to you? (It may help you to remember that Janna asked for a surprise, and then Joc asked for two prises. She was young and beet-faced back then...)
A. Twoprise
B. Too-prize
C. Two-prize
If you believe there is yet another spelling, let me know and it will be entered into the survey. Winners get nothing except the satisfaction of finally settling this family mystery!

Friday, March 2, 2007


I apologize for not updating the blog sooner; our internet connection at home has been weird again. You'd think we live in Nepal with all the troubles we have with our internet!

Good news: Teal'c has been adopted. One week ago today, Teal'c was off to his new family here on the reserve. We are a bit worried though: we have already seen him at the school two times (but he finds his way to his new home). If they aren't treating him well, I may have to do something about it.

Cub is feeling much better and her hair is growing in beautifully. We'll miss her, but we are going to find a family soon for her. I was thinking we may even put posters up in town; she's adorable!

On Monday of this week I put in an application to become a substitute teacher here at Thunderchild. I did it more as a larf than anything else (larf, a Pinky and the Brain word). But on Tuesday I got a call that I was needed on Wednesday.

So on Wednesday I nervously entered the grade three classroom of Mrs. Jimmy and began to teach plurals, planets, phonics, handwriting, math and art. I have new depth of respect and appreciation for teachers: I did only one day and it floored me. I don't know how they can go on day after day! But I did enjoy it and I would like the opportunity to sub again.

Busy weekend for me: World Day of Prayer service I just went to, Telemiracle function tonight in Mervin, CanSkate championships tomorrow morning along with a Snowmobile Rally and the first game of conference playoffs for Thunderchild. More pics are coming!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Insanity Continues

It's all Jen's fault!
Yes, the rumour is true. We are now on to our fourth rescued puppy here on the reserve. The first, if friends recall, was Boyo. We found him at the school with a limp, freezing in the cold. We sheltered him and fed him for a few days, then took him to Lloydminster. In checking up with him on the Lloyd SPCA web page we discovered that his mistreatment was severe. His back leg was broken and he was shot. They are fundraising for the operation to fix the leg and remove the shotgun pellets. Please support them if you can: www.lloydminsterspca.org (they renamed him Oscar).

The second was Kaylee, my birthday present who was unceremoniously dumped inside my house by Manny, a friend of ours. When we got her she was the size of Paks' head. Now she is a monster. We have a few nicknames for her, the Mouth (because she eats everything in sight, edible or not...), and the Monkey (because she climbs furniture, tables, anything!). Hopefully she is almost full grown as she is almost the size of Anne. She was named for a super character on the series Firefly.

The third is Cub. When we got her she had white fluffy hair and looked just like a miniature polar bear. As friends recall in an earlier post, Cub got mange and Bryan and I are still itching. My family doesn't believe we're actually going to give Cub away - she's been with us for six weeks now - but we're just waiting until her skin heals. She is getting much better but still looks a little pathetic.

And our newest addition is Teal'c. He's a guy which means we are definitely not keeping him. Our girls are having enough problems putting up with him for the short term. He has a deformed paw which means he has trouble walking and finding food. We rescued him from the school parking lot and we're waiting until Friday to see if anyone claims him. If not, he's adorable and he's adoptable. He'll be going to the Lloydminster SPCA. (Yes, his name is in honour of a terrific character from Stargate, and the name suits him!)

Our friends think it's hilarious that we have two "white" dogs and three "indian" dogs. The sad thing is that Annie and Paks are still racist. We're trying to teach them, but they have a problem with Native guys who come to visit. Horrifying, but two days ago they actually bit one. So I'm really going to try and train that out of them and, in the meantime, shut them up in a room when anyone rings the doorbell.

Here are pictures of our white dogs:

This is Annie. She's five now, turning six in September. We got her in Weyburn at their SPCA to be a companion for our late and missed dog Shelby. She has slowly become a rock in our family and is one of the kindest and most loving dogs I have ever known. She is definitely daddy's little girl, latching onto Bryan from the very beginning. She actually likes having puppies around the house because it means Paks is leaving her alone!

And finally Paks. We honestly don't know what to do with her sometimes. She can be adorable and she plays really well with the other dogs. Most of the time. She is also a bully to every canine in the house, is disobedient, occasionally poops in the basement and barks in the middle of the night. But we still love her.

My dad phoned a few days ago. He said, "All you need is one good dog." Yep, and that's all we have. One good one. The rest are insane.

Support the SPCA! Keep in touch with our rescues at www.lloydminsterspca.org.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Sabbath Day Ponderings

I love it when something comes along on Sabbath Day and it suddenly makes more sense than ever before. There were two things that struck me yesterday, both about my dismal health.

Warriors do not pray for lighter burdens, they build stronger backs. How true this is! When I am feeling burdened by my constant sickness it helps to remember that I always have enough strength to deal with it. Margin gets tight sometimes, but that’s okay.

Do not run faster than you have strength. I admit that in the past I have used this saying to justify not running, not walking, not even crawling. Just plain ole laziness. It never means that instead of running you lie upon the couch and criticize everyone else. Do not run faster than you have strength means to push that boundary always, to always give it your every effort, for the grace of Jesus Christ will always cover the rest. What a comforting thought.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Madness and mites and mange, oh my!

We love our Cub. She’s a little white puppy with puffy fur and her ears fold over so she looks like a polar bear cub (hence the name). Her appearance at our doorstep is totally MY fault (not Rob’s, not Sandra’s…) because I could not stand to see another frozen dead puppy by the roadside. So one day a month ago Rob noticed the puppy, told Sandra to take it to my house and I took her in.
Bryan and I decided to foster the cub until we could find a home for her. Every time we got too enamoured of her we would remind ourselves what one of her parents looks like (enormously tall white dog). She was so adorable we knew we could find a home for her very quickly.
Until the mange.
I thought mange was eradicated, like smallpox. I remember reading about it in the Laura Ingalls Wilder books, and hearing about how sheep used to get dipped for mange. Well, our adorable white puppy has it. And now, so do we.
As I understand it (so parts of this may not be entirely correct) all dogs have common mites who do good works of sloughing off dead skin and never cause any problems. These mites are only visible at the microscopic level. However, both Cub and Kaylee have had problems with mites. For Kaylee it was only an allergic reaction. For poor Cub, it was much worse. She was incredibly malnourished before coming to us and thus her immune system was shot. So the mites multiplied and before we knew it her hair was falling off and her entire body was getting scabbed over.
A trip to the vet revealed she had the lesser form of mange and she got a shot for it. We’ll have to take her back in two weeks for another shot. Until then she has to let her lesions and scabs heal (which is difficult because she is always itching).
Bryan and I have to put up with itching, too. We aren’t nearly as affected as the dog, and Bryan is even less infected than I, but we both scratch and complain.
Don’t worry, family. We should be all healed up before our fabulous Easter vacation in St. Wahlburg.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

The day it all went wrong!

Bryan and I had been selected to escort two Thunderchild youth to the FSIN (Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations) Youth Legislative Assembly to be held in Regina from Sunday, February 4 until Tuesday, February 6. It is a five hour drive to Regina, so it was decided that we would leave on Saturday because the registration would take place promptly Sunday morning and none of us relished the idea of a 4 am drive.
To that end, Bryan pulled in mucho overtime at the school on Friday and didn’t come home until 10. At which point he didn’t have the van. Like he was supposed to. (The school van is covered for insurance and even though it chugged gas it was to be our vehicle of choice.) Someone else had taken the van. It was too late to fix anything and we waited for morning.
Saturday. The day it all went wrong. Like some weird voodoo curse (or hoodoo curse or curse of the ugly gypsy woman, it’s all the same…) everything we touched seemed to go bad. The principal, Rob, who is also our next-door neighbor, gave us the keys to a van. Later on that day the van was delivered. But we didn’t have the right keys. So Rob spent an hour on the phone and discovered that the keys to the van went to Glaslyn with the boys basketball team in their van. Uh oh.
We finally got a spare set of keys for the van. It was nearing one and that was when we were supposed to leave. Our two students dutifully arrived and we ran around, trying to finish packing our goodies (like our new Nintendo GameCube), leaving instructions for the dogs (I maundered on the subject for an incredible six pages in my notebook) who were going to be watched by our new neighbor, Sandra Payne. Finally the van is packed, the kids have their permission slips and I slip into the drivers seat.
Van won’t start. So I give it a tap or two of gas and it still won’t budge. Then I floor it and it just chugs and chugs and won’t turn over. Our Rob is pulled out of his house to see what he can do. (Remember it’s a flipping freaking freezing minus twenty something outside with nothing but a few caribou to block the wind between us and the arctic.) I use the time to get to know Alanna and Jordan (our students) better. Bryan leaves with Rob to find another van. Oh, but isn’t the other van in Glaslyn? Look, we have their keys!
Almost two o’clock in the afternoon and Bryan and Rob get back from their scouting. Rob half-heartedly tries the engine and it starts without a hitch. He pulls on his best ‘doctor’ expression and pronounces that it must have been water in the gas line or something. We all get in and leave for Regina, stopping at the local Coop to get gasline antifreeze.
Our first stop is North Battleford where we all get sick at McDonalds and Bryan takes out a sizeable wad of cash to cover the expenses for the trip. I do most of the buying, so the wad goes into my purse.
Off to Saskatoon, then and my stomach was still roiling so we stop at Tim Hortons. Bryan and I have to switch off again and again; we were both so tired. We want to take the kids out for a nice dinner but we hit Regina at quarter to nine at night; we still had to get our hotel rooms. We ended up at McDonalds for dinner, and then sped to the Ramada to get the kids tucked in. They got to stay at the conference hotel, but we didn’t. The Band has direct billing with Travelodge, so we had our rooms there.
Exhausted at our crazy day we were grateful to think that we could get the kids luggage and set them up and leave ‘em. Too bad their rooms WEREN’T BOOKED! And the hotel was full. Despairing, we called the Travelodge. Thank goodness our room was still there. The concierge found a small room for Alanna at the Ramada and poor, poor Jordan had to come back to our hotel and stay in the room with us.
Ten o’clock and we’d finally struggled into our hotel room in the Travelodge, me having bumped the back fender a couple times because the van is enormous! Going through all our stuff Bryan asked for some money for some reason – I don’t remember why.
My purse was missing.
My purse was missing.
My whole body seemed to freeze. We had taken out a wad of cash for the expenses and my purse was missing. We frantically searched the room and the van. No sign of it. I called the McDonalds we stopped at. They scoured the lobby and the restaurant, but it wasn’t there. I called the Ramada. They hadn’t seen it.
Oh, to have faith! We said a little prayer and I phoned McDonald’s again and asked them to check the parking lot. And there it was. It had fallen off my shoulder and was still sitting there and not a penny was missing.
It still meant that I had to drive all the way across the city at eleven to go get it. I swear, if anything else had happened that day, I would have screamed insanity.
That was the day it all went wrong.
Oh, and by the way, the rest of the conference was peachy and nothing else bad happened at all. Thank goodness.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Welcome to the Madness

If you ever thought that we were weird before...

Now we live in the middle of nowhere (Saskatchewan)
We are the only white people for miles (actually, there's two across the street, but that's it!)
We are surrounded by savage reserve dogs (well, sometimes savage...)
We live in the house that drunks built (mostly built, it's not finished and probably won't be)
We have no internet (um, very occasional dialup)
We have no water (well, occasionally we have no water, for real!)
We have no fun (zero fun, sir!)

We do have hundreds of movie titles (and dozens of TV shows on DVD!)
We have a Nintendo GameCube (thanks to Mom and Dad Hill)
We have five computer systems (but we use only three)
We have four dogs (three really, we're just fostering one)
(We mean it)
(We're gonna kick her out any day now)
(Even though she's cute)
(Well, not now, more on that later!)

If all these reasons aren't enough to make us crazy, then consider this:
We actually LIKE IT HERE!