Sunday, July 29, 2007

Antics at the hill family dinner table...

So Jayden is throwing his spoon on the floor. Grandma is too lazy (her words, not mine) to pick it up. So he gets another spoon. Which ends up on the floor. And then he gets a fork. At the time of this writing, it perhaps is another casualty of Jayden's dinnertime menace.

And Jaala was sitting next to Banna and had 5 bowls of meat and cheese for her taco salad. (little kid-size bowls, but 5 helpings none the less). I told them it wasn't my fault (I am feeding them, you know.)

And mom (my mom) made deviled eggs. "Why are they called deviled eggs?" I wondered aloud (to the rapt attention of my food-snarfing family).

"Maybe it's because they take the yellow spark of life, (the yolk)," I continued, waving my hands, "and combine it with unholy sauces! And add to it itsy carrots and bits of green onion! And the whole thing is too delicious to be anything but devil food!"

At which point Banna said, "Put that in your blog."

ps. if Justin and Jada are reading this, we are having zero fun, sir. I hope you are doing the same.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

this, that, and the other thing

I am one weird cookie.

On June 30, we went to Lloydminster with a couple of boys from the school as their end-of-year incentive-for-being-good trip. We had a good time, played mini golf (I actually beat them all!), played paintball (which is surprisingly painful), ate at Tony Roma's ( rib....), and bought another season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Unfortunately, they didn't have season five, so I had to jump right in to season six.

Which I finished in two days. I am such a loser.

So now that I have no more new Buffy, I started on Season one again and worked on my beading project. I caught up to Bryan (he's in season two), and then I decided I should start obsessing about something else.

I went to town (yes, that means Turtleford) and discovered that the library was having a book sale. Dangerous words. I think I bought about thirty books. But since they were only a dime each, I didn't spend all that much. In my creative writing course I have just finished the section on writing for children (so I also borrowed a dozen children's books), and the next section is on writing romance (so I got a few of those, too...) The past few days I have spent in a reading frenzy. First, I finished Monkey Beach. Then I read the 'Da Vinci Code' (finished it in a day, what a superb read!). Then I read Harry Potter 4. Finished it last night (only took me a day). And today, I read 'A Knight in Shining Armor' by Jude Deveraux, my favourite romance. Yeah, I finished it today. Of course, I also read children's books, which take about a half hour to read.

Maybe tomorrow I'll find something else to obsess about. Now, if only I could get obsessive about cleaning.... or working out....

(If you want my thoughts on the various books, surf to Jen Maki Reads!)
(it's over there, on the right...)
(no, your right, not my right...)
(ah, jeepers, here it is

Only five more sleeps until vacation!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

The blogging craze continues!

As part of my most wondrous creative writing course (, I have created a new blog devoted only to book reviews of books I am reading or have recently read. This is more a heads-up to family and friends... I don't expect you to jump over there too often unless I bully you.
Here it is, and I'm also putting it in my links area:
Only twelve more sleeps until vacation time!