Sunday, June 3, 2007

What it means to be a Hill

What are the essential Hill qualities? When we speak of the 'strength of the hills' to what do we refer? Here are my top ten... uh... whatevers on what it means to be a hill.
And yes, I'm still a Hill.
10. Hill = eating at Japanese Village, ordering Shirley Temples, laughing at the chef, and watching Jon drum with his chopsticks.
9. Hill = horror movies. Either watching them and loving them, or not watching them and hating them, or watching them with your glasses off so they really aren't scary anymore!
8. Hill = Two-prises. The gift that is given for no special reason, and is a Hill original.
7. Hill = getting cards from Rick and Val. Every birthday and anniversary. How do they do it?
6. Hill = giving each other weird nicknames. I know mom is tired of Mrs. Bates. Jon has been EE forever. I particularly like Justin's new one: the Spaghetti Princess. Janna has been Banna for a long time but has found a new home as Bacon. I think Boss is the best. Because there are just so many: Boss, BooBoo, Boobers, Gooby, Goobers, Booby, you know....
5. Hill = Waterton. It's our special place, a little bit of heaven on earth, our personal battery recharging area.
4. Hill = playing games. Like dad said a long time ago, a family that plays together, stays together. Even though it's the inserts to the family who rule the games, like Jada who has been in the Rage box TWICE! (What's up with that?)
3. Hill = memorable phrases. Though we all come up with them, it seems like Mom and Heather who give us the ones we remember the longest: She's got a long crack (Heather), I want a barky dog (Mom), These buns are too bunny (Heather), The wunner who wun the wace (Mom).
2. Hill = owning movies. Usually way too many movies. Movies that you start buying just to say you own it and to have an impressive bookcase when people come to visit.
1. Hill = obsessing. Janna takes the cake for this one. Her latest obsession: either Ben (Lost) or Battlestar Gallactica. We all have our obsessive tendencies, though. Just a part of being a Hill.

Speaking of which, my newest obsession is Buffy. Blame it on Bryan. Because it was Bryan's sister, Tara, who introduced me to Buffy. I always knew Buffy existed (somewhere out in on Space channel), but Tara showed me the musical episode. Which was hilarious. So she showed me another episode. Which I loved. So she lent me the first two seasons.
Which I ripped through in about a week. I've only got two discs left! So, yes, for the next little while for me, it's all about Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It's just so cute!

Tune in next week for the next obsession.


The Old Farts at Home said...

You are right on Jen
Power to the Hills. Sorry i didn't comment before.. been busy rearranging the house.. yet another Hill thing..
Love ya.

Janna said...

this is PERFECT!!!!! Very true.