Sunday, July 29, 2007

Antics at the hill family dinner table...

So Jayden is throwing his spoon on the floor. Grandma is too lazy (her words, not mine) to pick it up. So he gets another spoon. Which ends up on the floor. And then he gets a fork. At the time of this writing, it perhaps is another casualty of Jayden's dinnertime menace.

And Jaala was sitting next to Banna and had 5 bowls of meat and cheese for her taco salad. (little kid-size bowls, but 5 helpings none the less). I told them it wasn't my fault (I am feeding them, you know.)

And mom (my mom) made deviled eggs. "Why are they called deviled eggs?" I wondered aloud (to the rapt attention of my food-snarfing family).

"Maybe it's because they take the yellow spark of life, (the yolk)," I continued, waving my hands, "and combine it with unholy sauces! And add to it itsy carrots and bits of green onion! And the whole thing is too delicious to be anything but devil food!"

At which point Banna said, "Put that in your blog."

ps. if Justin and Jada are reading this, we are having zero fun, sir. I hope you are doing the same.

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